Over 200+ (and counting!) illustrations to use to help your talk connect with students.
NFL superstar and Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady seemingly has it all but still desires more. A real-life illustration of Ecclesiastes 3:11 (God putting eternity into the heart of man), the “God-Sized Void” Pascal wrote about, or Solomon’s dissatisfaction, even with all his wealth, accomplishments, and wives (Ecclesiastes 1:1-17).
Topics: Unsatisfied Heart, Human Insufficiency / Need for God
These photographs capture the rescue team that saved a 1.5-year-old stuck in a well. Similar to this toddler, every human is reliant upon another for salvation. If this human team cared this much about one child, imagine what lengths the Father has gone and will go to to rescue you.
Topics: Desire for Independence / Self-Rule, Forgiveness, The Gospel
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