Youth Minister Gatherings in Local Communities
Rooted Regional Groups are gatherings of youth pastors in local communities for the sake of fellowship, prayer, and instruction. We are led by practicing youth pastors and we have learned over the years that youth pastors long for fellowship that is authentic (non-awkward) and where conversation focuses on where they are encouraged and discouraged in life and ministry, not on numbers. Youth pastors want other youth pastors with whom they can pray. They also want good instruction on how to do more effective youth ministry but do not want the pressure of having to produce it among themselves. If this sounds familiar, we'd encourage you to join us for a Rooted Regional Group gathering.
To join a Rooted Regional Group, fill out the form below with your name and email, and your local Rooted Regional Group leader will be in touch with details on where and when to join them for the next gathering.
At Rooted Regional Groups, youth pastors gather for a meal, authentic fellowship, prayer, and a 10-15 minutes of video instruction, provided by Rooted, featuring a national expert. We hope to offer the benefits and experience of a Rooted conference in a local community three-times per year.
If you are interested in hosting a Rooted Regional Group, please email [email protected]
There is no cost to host or attend a RRG. We simply ask our RRG leaders to provide a place for everyone to gather, send out a template email that we will provide you to invite others to join, and lead the group in the discussion questions provided.
The upcoming Rooted Regionals Groups will be:
February 16, 2023
April 20, 2023
August 17, 2023 - Online Only
November 9, 2023
Josh Hussung is the Pastor of Youth and Families at Grace Community Church in Nashville, Tennessee, and has been in youth ministry for over 16 years. He holds an M.Div. in Pastor Studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to writing for Rooted, Josh has also been featured on Follow him on Twitter @joshhussung.